Rules & Regulations

1. pupils sh attend their classes punctually with The lessons well prepared. They should come to school neat and tidy in the prescribed Uniform. A student who is.shabby and not in uniform is liable to be sent home,

2 Student should pay particular attention to the personal hygiene Lc. bath, 'neat turnout, proper haircut and clipping of finger nails etc.

3. pupils must come to school in time. Names of habitual late comers will be removed from the school register without further warning.

4. pupils must obtain hundred percent attendance during the academic year. Students are discouraged from taking leave unnecessarily for various functions and ceremonies. Parents are requested to seek leave for their children only in unavoidable circumstances. Pupils with full attendance for the year will be rewarded.

5. Pupils without adequate attendance will be stopped from appearing their annual examination.

6. No student can leave the school when the school is in session without the written permission of the Headmaster.

7. Pupils should keep the class rooms and the school premises absolutely clean. They are strictly forbidden from scribbling on the wall, furniture or any part of the school premises. Any damage done to the school property will have to be paid for according to the decision of the Headmaster.

8. Pupils are responsible for the care of their personal belongings, i.e. books, pens, tiffin carriers and other articles they may carry to school.

9. Pupils should at all times show respect and reverence to the school authorities and the staff. They should be courteous and polite to their companions.

10. Irruglar attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of home work, disobedience or disrespect towards teachers and members of the staff, cheating and other rerehensile behaviour may entitle suspension or dismissal from the scholl. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school.

11. Pupils who absent themselves from examinations without adequae reasons will be considered as failed. No re-examination will be accorded to any absentee from school examinations. In well deserving cases the marks of the whole year will be taken into account. The Headmaster will bhe the judge on the merit of each case.

12. No pupil shall be absent from school without obtaining leave in advance. In ease of sudden illness etc„, a leave application by guardian supported with medical certificate bv parent be presented to the class teacher on the day the pupil returns to the school, failing which the pupil will not he permitted attend the class until he submits the leave application,

13. All pupils should be present in the school on the day the school re-opens after summer vacation and after the terminal holidays. If they are unable to attend on the re-opening For valid reasons, leave of absence should be submitted in advance:. The pupil's name will be struck off from the rol absent on the re-opening day without getting the leave sanctioned by the Headmaster. He will be re-admitted only after paying re-admission fee.

14. Children suffering from infectious diseases will not be allowed to attend the school. They will be allowed to join the school only on producing a FITNESS CERTIFICATE from a Registered Medical Practitioner.

15. Parents must inform the school whenever there is change in their address and telephone number.

16. Salat (Prayer) : Asar (Evening) congregation is compulsory for the Muslim Staff and Muslim Students of IX to XII std. Abstaining from the congregation prayer by the said pupils may result in severe punishment.

17. Students should attend the morning assembly/Prayer without fail, held in the School.

18. Students should be punctual in coming to the school on time or before the first bell.

19. Students should bring their school calendar/handbook daily without fail.

20.Students should write down the daily homework of each subject given to them in their school calendar/Student's Handbook.

21. Students should submit their completed homework to their respective subject teachers without fail and should get them corrected.

22. Students should avoid taking leave during term test/term examination.

23. Students should participate in Extra-curricular and Co-curricular activities conducted in the school without fail.

24. Students are warned strictly not to bring cellphones to schools Or Students should abstain from bringing cellphones to schools. Or Students should not bring cellphones at any cost.

25. Keeping in mind the interest of Student's safety and Student's Welfare, they should not bring/wear any kind of costly ornaments and cash in huge amount.

26. Students should not come to school in motor bike, as they are non-licence holders.

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