Library Rules & Regulations

Books may be taken on loan by rnembers of the staff and pupil of the school.

2. Books will be issued to students on production of library tickets on the following days only. • VII Std.-Sunday • VIII & IX Std.-Monday • X Std.-Tuesday • XI -Wednesday • XII Std. -Thursday

3. No pupil shall be allowed to take more than one book at afirn1 on Library ticket.

4. Library ticket should be taken back when the book is returned

5. No member of the staff shall have in his possession more than three books other than Class text books from the general libraq

6. No book taken out shall be kept by a pupil for more than a fortnight.

7. If the day on which the book should be returned happens to be a holiday it can be returned on the next working day. But absence of the pupil from the school will not be accepted as an excuse for not returning the books at the proper tune.

8. Every pupil must return the book on due date.

9. No member of staff shall keep a library book other than a text book for more than a month without the permission of the Headmaster.

10. No remark or writing of any kind shall be made in any library book.

11. Members are expected to use allbooks with care. If a book is lost or damaged, it must at once be paid for together with a penalty and the postal charges.

12. Pupils are strictly warned not to lend the books which they have taken from the library to their friends or non-member.

13, The pupils who took the book last will be held responsible if any damage or defects are found in the book.

13. Before leaving the counter the member shall satisfy himself that the book lent to him is in sound condition, if it is not he shall immediately bring the matter to the notice of the librarian.

14. Book from the consulting and reference sections will not be issued.

15. The librarian may call any book at any time even if the normal period of loan has not expired.

16. There shall be an annual call of books on the 1st march by which date all books should be returned.

17. The library shall be kept open on all working days from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

18. Silence shall be strictly observed in the library.

19. Books, Bags, umbrellas and boxes shall be left at the entrance.

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