
A Historical Sketch .

The Vaniyambadi Muslim Educational Society came into existence immediately after the sessions of All-India Muslim Education conference held in Chennai in December, 1901. It was then fully realized that, unless Muslims modernise their system of education, there was no hope of Muslims ever taking their place with other sister communities in their onward march along the road to progress. Religious education, being of prime importance with Musalmans, a judicious co-ordinations of religious and secular instruction were considered to be the right type of education that should be imparted.

As there was no school that provided this kind of instruction, the far- sighted, enlightened and generous hearted Muslim merchants of this town after starting the Vaniyambadi Muslim Educational Society, established the Madrasa-e-Islamiah on the 26th August, 1903 with three pupils on the roll. The educational and cultural awakening and religious consciousness of the Muslim community, the zest and zeal of the Philanthropists of the town, the enthusiasm and ceaseless efforts in the cause of educational and the princely donations of this band of workers were responsible for the rapid growth and development of this institution.

In January, 1904 the strength rose to 102 and was recognised by the Government as an Upper Primary School. The school was then shifted from a house in Marakadi Street to rented building in Balu Chetty Street.

In January, 1905 the strength increased to 241 and the school now became a Secondary School with first form as the highest class. Thereafter the school progressed and in 190 1910, 1911, and 1912 III, IV, V and VI forms were respectively added and the first batch of seven pupils w presented for the S.S.L.C public examination held in March 1913.

The school grew into a Second Grade College in 1921 and First Grade College in 1946 and in June, 1930 the College was bifurcated from the High School and shifted to its present campus in Gandhi Nagar. The present strength of the school is 2560.

At a time when there was not a single school in the whole South India managed and maintained by Muslims in accordance with their tradition, culture and imparting secular education, the Muslims of Vaniyambadi fired by the inspiring lead given by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan of blessed memory, the pioneer of Muslim Education and renaissance in India, rose as torch bearers of learning and found the school which attracted hundreds of young men from all over South India. Thus Vaniyambadi came to be called "The Aligarh of the South".

Of those who liberally and generously contributed to the growth and progress of the school, the names of three persons stand out prominently. They have placed posterity under heavy debt of gratitude for the service they have rendered to the Institution. They are Janab T. Hajee Badruddin Sahib, Janab Malang Hayath Basha Sahib and Janab Ameenuddin Sahib. In 1907 Janab T. Hajee Badruddin Sahib made a gift to society of his mundy and the adjacent land both measuring 140 x 95 feet, it is on this site that the Present school building stands. Besides he made princely donations towards the construction of the ground floor of the eastern block of the school building.

The block was fittingly, named after the donor and called "BADRUDDIN MANZIL" Janab Malang Hayath BashaSahib and his uncle Janab T. Malang Hajee Abdul Rahman Sahib, the father of the lamented Janab Malang Ahmed Basha Sahib, B.A., contributed an equally enormous amount towards the construction of the school building and in creating endowments. In recognition of the meritorious services rendered to the school by the Malang family, the western block of the school building was called "MALANG MANZIL". Janab T. Ameenuddin Sahib, another great Benefactor of the school helped the institution with the generous contributions to complete the remaining portion of our school building which is proudly called the "RED FORT".

Thanks to the enlightened Management for its untiring efforts and unabiding interest that the benevolent Department of Education, Tamil Nadu accorded permission to upgrade the Islamiah High School, Vaniyambadi to Islamiah Higher Secondary School with 110 pupils on the roll in the XI Standard of plus two stage of the Higher Secondary courses started in July 1978. For these great philanthropists and other generous and noble minded Muslims who have made this great institution what is today, We pray to Allah to reward them in Heaven with his choicest blessings, resting their souls in perfect bliss and call on our young to follow their fine example.

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